Association Rules                          
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There have been no changes since 2018
Constitution & Rules - 2024

1 The organisation shall be called the “Bampton & District Aunt Sally Association”.

2. The association will be managed by a Committee consisting of:-

President: Voting authority
Chairman: Casting Vote only
Secretary: Voting authority
Treasurer: Voting authority
Committee members: Voting authority

3. The number of current members may be varied according to circumstances.
New Committee members may be invited to join at the AGM, or may be co-opted as required.

4. A voting quorum shall consist of six members.
Officers and Committee members cannot vote on AGM proposals.

5. An Annual General Meeting will be held to communicate essential changes prior to the start of a season and for general discussions. All change proposals will require a sanctioning vote. One vote per team: proxy voting is not permitted.

6. Any membership-led AGM item that may lead to a vote must be submitted in writing to the Secretary for discussion at the pre-AGM Committee meeting. Other matters may be discussed at the AGM, but cannot result in a vote.

7. Team registration fees will be decided at the Annual General Meeting.
Teams not represented at the AGM may lose their right to enter the league.

8. The Committee shall use its discretion as to the method used to set League Sections.

9. All complaints must be made in writing by the team captain to the Secretary within 48 hours of its occurrence. The complaint will then be brought before the next Committee meeting.
No other form of complaint will be actioned.

10. A special general meeting may be called by the Secretary.

11. In cases where existing rules do not cover a situation, the Committee is empowered to create a new rule.

12. All monies shall be banked in the name of the Association.
Two authorised signatories are required for cheques, but the Treasurer is authorised to carry out on-line transactions.

Match and Competition Rules

1. Throw

1.1 The pitch must be 10 yards long from the front of the iron to the hocking (throwing line).

1.2 The doll must be wooden and painted white, 6” high and 3¼” diameter and shall stand on a vertical swivel stand 2ft 6” from the ground or, a nylon doll of identical dimensions may be used by agreement of both captains.
The backcloth shall be 2ft from the iron and the swivel arm shall stand out 6".
Sticks shall be wooden and measure 18" long by 2" diameter maximum.

1.3 Adequate lighting must be provided and may be checked by the Committee.

2. Teams

2.1 Registration fees must be paid prior to the first league match, or scores will be nulled.

2.2 Each team shall register a minimum of six players prior to the first league game.
Additional players may be signed up on the night of a match.
Team or player transfers are only permissible at the discretion of the Committee.

2.3 Landlords/Landladies/Stewards or Managers are permitted to register for more than one team at their venue.

3. League Games

3.1 League games to be played on Thursdays according to the published fixtures.
In the case of extreme weather conditions, captains shall consult as to the practicality of playing the match. Postponed matches must be re-arranged within 14 days and the Secretary informed immediately.

3.2 The throw shall be available for practice from 8:15pm.
Games shall start at 8:30 sharp. Teams arriving late may be reported to the Committee.
Absent players may take their throw in the legs remaining after they arrive.

3.3 Games consist of 3 legs (horses) 1 point per leg; played 6 a side.
If two or more teams tie at the top of a section, doll count shall determine the winner.

3.4 Captains shall toss for each leg and the winning captain shall, if he/she wishes request the other side to throw first. This also applies to 3 and 1 stick play offs.

3.5 Sticks may be thrown under or round arm but not over arm. Each player shall throw 6 sticks. Both feet must be behind the hocking by the time the stick has left the player’s hand.

3.6 Callers and stickers up shall be registered players. The sticker-up shall be from the throwing team, the caller from the opposing team. After each throw, the sticker up may adjust the swivel and doll.

3.7 A caller may only call one leg per game. Each doll shall be called so that the thrower can hear the caller. The caller’s decision shall be final.

3.8 If any legs are drawn, then each player shall throw 3 sticks. If after this the score is still level, players shall continue with 1 stick. If the score is still a draw, players shall throw 6 sticks each and repeat the procedure until one team wins. When 3 or 1 sticks are being thrown, only that number may be held.

3.9 The team not throwing shall stand well away and everyone shall try to ensure reasonable order around the playing area.

3.10 The Home team is responsible for entering the scores into the web site. The deadline is midnight on the Sunday following the match. Any team breaking this rule on more than one occasion may be fined 2 points for each offence other than the first.
Teams are no longer required to send in a scorecard but are strongly advised to retain a copy.

3.11 In the case of the final match of the season, scores may be voided if results have not been received by the following Sunday. All re - arranged games must be played by the last league fixture date

3.12 Any team failing to fulfil two consecutive week’s fixtures may be expelled from the league unless there are exceptional circumstances.

4. Competitions

4.1 All competition entrants must be registered players.
This includes Landlords/Landladies/Stewards or Managers.

4.2 The Committee reserves the right to refuse entry to knockout competitions if it is felt that players have been entered from other leagues just for the knockout.

4.3 Competitions must be played on the dates specified by the Committee.

4.4 8-a-side competitions: Premier, A, and B sections will contest a Primary Competition; sections C and D a Secondary Competition and sections E and below will contest a Tertiary Competition.
Every team is automatically entered free of charge, unless they do not wish to do so.
Teams either not having played their match, or winners not having fed back their results by the Sunday following the match date, may not be entered into the next round draw.
Postponements are permitted by negotiation with the Secretary.

4.5 4-a-side competitions: Premier, A, B and C sections will contest a Primary Competition. Sections D and below will contest a Secondary Competition.
5 players may be registered to a team. Only a combination of these 5 can play in the competition. No other player can be added or changed after the entry has been made.

4.6 Pairs competitions must be played by two people of the appropriate gender.
If a Pairs player turns up to a match alone for whatever valid reason, then, providing they can find a suitable partner before the draw is made, they can continue to compete. No further substitution is possible.

4.7 Entry to the ‘Sub 5 Singles ’ competition is conditional on a doll average of 5 or less and a minimum of 6 league games played in the previous season.


In the event of any query regarding the Association Rules, please contact the Secretary

Barry Aylett-Warner
01367 253788/ 07918 507078