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Morris Clowns
03 10 17 24 31 07 14 21 28 12 19 26 02 09 16 23 30 06
Doll / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
Dolls Sixes Avg Max   05 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 08 09
1Graham Collett13987.5117 6103811711 61010 45
2Joe Wright13896.810 68797746 7108 55
3Simon Chatterton13886.8107 7566978 645 108
4Darran Gilbert13796.1113 57853676 96 113
5Nick Read10707.010 6881039 5 957
6Steve Mace12484.066 54555245 11 5
7Lee Shurman9414.67 4544 464 37
8Alan Oliver83414.3103 453 2 1043
9Geraint Chatwell4112.844 32 2
  Dolls302939 26343942343738264038 403630
  Legs202 1223221223 221
 Played :16
 Leg Total :29
 Doll Total :558
 Doll Average :34.9
09/05 - BYE
23/05 - Firefoxes cancelled against Morris Clowns - no team - to be played 18/06
18/07 - BYE
29/07 - scorecard updated by Captain: Paul Bircher (match date: 25th Jul)
15/08 - Elm Tree Chuckers cancelled - replay TBA
05/09 - scorecard updated by Captain: Steven Mace (match date: 29th Aug)