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03 10 17 24 31 07 14 21 28 12 19 26 02 09 16 23 30 06
Doll / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
Dolls Sixes Avg Max   05 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 08 09
1Paul Summers15865.710 54881063555 864 54
2Stewart Cable15624.17 4742742443 751 35
3Andy Gosnell11575.2104 643637 410 64
4Ben Campion11433.961 24366343 5 6
5Graham Mathews8374.666 65343 6 4
6Tony Brown9293.254 52234 2 43
7MichaƂ Chmielowski9161.84 10421 13 04
8Roger Hughes4102.552 215
9Tim Chilvers2105.06 6 4
10Nick Tuffs294.588 1
11Bernie Godfrey284.04 44
12Andy Taylor273.54 34
13Tom Calcutt166.06 6
14Rich Smith252.53 32
15Scott Summers133.03 3
16Josh Marlow 122.02 2
17Gemma Marlow 122.02 2
18Harry ?111.01 1
19Molly Campion111.01 1
20Beverley Campion111.01 1
  Dolls25232321 1328292124212022303314 242324
  Legs1000 13222111121 332
 Played :18
 Leg Total :26
 Doll Total :418
 Doll Average :23.2
31/05 - Windrush Inn cancelled - weather - To be played 05/07
28/06 - game cancelled - England match - to be played 06/09
19/07 - ???
30/08 - Red Lion B cancelled & conceded (pub closed) - awarded 3 + average.