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Lion's Pride
02 09 16 23 30 06 13 20 27 11 18 25 01 08 15 22 29 05
Doll / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
Dolls Sixes Avg Max   05 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 08 09
1Kay Bennett8243.062 6324 41 2
2Lizzie Bennett8202.542 2343 3 30
3Phil Bennet4174.36 6 5 51
4Lee Bevan4143.544 433
5Rob Baughan4133.34 34 42
6Sharon Gordon -Smith9121.340 0114 21 12
7Maxine Court9111.231 2003 12 20
8Jeff Bennet372.33 1 3 3
9Flo Watts242.04 0 4
10Michelle Moore300.000 00
  Dolls9014 014100171914 187
  Legs101 0100213 11
 Played :12
 Leg Total :11
 Doll Total :122
 Doll Average :10.2
09/05 - cancelled against Crown Cavaliers - to be played Thursday 4th July - LP cancelled & conceded. Crown awarded 3 + average.
16/05 - BYE
30/05 - cancelled against Foxy Ladies at 8:15pm - latter awarded 3 + average dolls
06/06 - BYE
13/06 - BYE
11/07 - cancelled against Volunteer B - match nulled 0-0
25/07 - BYE
01/08 - Talbot Tossers cancelled - no team - TBA
15/08 - BYE
22/08 - BYE