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Morris Minors
03 10 17 24 31 07 14 21 28 12 19 26 02 09 16 23 30 06
Doll / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
Dolls Sixes Avg Max   05 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 08 09
1Jake Edwards15664.48 5124555553 38 267
2Laurence Taylor10555.593 8574945 73
3Neil Cooley14553.971 71542366 65 540
4Anthony Keenan13524.084 51323686 63 23
5Rob Chatwell15493.355 344135523 24 314
6Will Money12473.961 44562426 62 5
7Karl Prichard8384.87 455155 7 6
8Tom Clarke8293.662 3346 3 26
9Josh Rawle166.06 6
  Dolls16321524 252121292731293025 202725
  Legs0101 100212101 001
 Played :16
 Leg Total :11
 Doll Total :397
 Doll Average :24.8
03/05 - scorecard updated by Captain: Stephen King (match date: 2nd May)
10/05 - scorecard updated by Captain: Roger Watts (match date: 9th May)
06/06 - BYE
21/06 - scorecard amended by B A-W (match date: 20th Jun)
15/08 - BYE

05/09 - scorecard updated by Captain: Craig Harris (match date: 5th Sep)