News & Features  
Finals Night
Congratulations and commiserations to the participants.Full scores later when the season is archived.  
Thanks to all who turned up to support the event and especially to those who helped clear up at the end - particularly the Pheasant Pluckers.  
Uncollected - (1 trophy and 31 keepsakes) if you want your spoils - get in touch - we'll keep them available until the end of  
November, after which they will be recyled for next year.  
Finish on a low ...
Oh no - what are we to do ?  
For those of a nervous disposition - KEEP CALM - this was a real email, but a very clumsy attempt at a scam. Just an end-of-season chuckle.  
Finish on a high ...
John Rideout of Rush celebrates his final throw of the season against Grifters last night.
Late season match cancellations
Noting that there seems to be quite a few last minute cancellations, can we remind you of Rule 3.11-
The final league game is next Thursday - September 7th.
The next Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 12th September, where any unplayed games will be adjudicated.
Sub 5 Singles competition - results
The Sub 5 Singles heats were played out at the White Hart last night.
Congratulations to finalists - Ian Luckett and Steve Jenkins
See 'Competitons ->Sub 5 Singles' for full results.
Ladies Singles competition - results
The Ladies Singles heats were played out at the Trout last night.
Congratulations to finalists - Adele Butler and Michelle New.
See 'Competitons ->Ladies Singles' for full results.
There's been a dearth of sixes this season, so I guess it would be no surprise for two to come along in the same game  
In the Section D game beweeen Carps A and Six Inches, Graeme Woodward got a six in the match and Tim Croft got one in the beer leg.  
Graeme Woodward & Tim Croft
Mixed Pairs competition - results
The Mixed Pairs heats were played out at the Trout last Sunday.
Congratulations to finalists - Ady Betterton & Jo Fowler ; Will Smith & Bev Cross .
See 'Competitons ->Mixed Pairs' for full results.
4 A Side competition - results
The 4 A Side heats were played out at the Morris Clown and Bell last night.
Congratulations to Primary finalists - Carterton Social and Talbot B and Secondary finalists Stitched Up and Clanfield Tavern.
See 'Competitons -> 4 A Side' for full results.
Pairs competition - results
The Mens Singles heats were played out at the Morris Clown and Talbot last night.
Congratulations to semi-finalists - Gareth Clack & Ryan Hewer; Chris Smith & Will Smith; Antony Keenan & Laurence Taylor ; Chris Bools & Jack Bools.
See 'Competitons -> Pairs' for full results.
Competition Venues
Date Competition Venue(s)  
Sunday 16th July Pairs Morris Clown & Talbot - assemble at 6:00pm @ Morris Clown  
Sunday 23rd July Primary 4 A Side Morris Clown - 8:00pm start  
Sunday 23rd July Secondary 4 A Side Bell Ducklington - 8:00pm start  
Sunday 30th July Mixed Pairs Trout - 7:00pm start  
Sunday 6th Aug Ladies Singles Trout - 7:00pm start  
Sunday 13th Aug Sub 5 Singles White Hart ML - 8:00pm start  
Mens Singles competition - results
The Mens Singles heats were played out at the Horseshoe and Talbot last night.
Congratulations to semi-finalists - Gareth Clack, Graham Collett, Fred Cook and Dave Knight. See 'Competitons -> Mens Singles' for full results.
Singles competition heats - Sunday 25th June
In previous years, the heats have been drawn in advance for the selected venues. Particularly last year, problems ensued because a high number of no-shows imbalanced the heats.
As a trial this year, we are proposing the following:
All entrants please convene at the Talbot @ 6:00pm on Sunday for registration and 'equal' allocation to the 2 venues - Horseshoe and Talbot .
Entrants then move to their designated venue where an adjudicator will draw the heats. Games to start at 6:30pm. Any queries - shout.
A similar process will be used for the Pairs heats on 16/07, with assembly at the Morris Clown and the Talbot as the second venue.
Recognition of your Chairman's contribution to the local community..
Follow this link - 'Mr Mace'
Obituary update - Ben Bennett
Received today from Ben's son Andy:-
"It was a shock to us all as it happened so quickly in the end. Unfortunately following the car accident mum and dad had back on the 4th April, where dad blacked out at the wheel, he suffered irreversible damage to his heart. We think that the dizzy spells he had been suffering with for months before this were the start of the heart failure. They fitted an ICD after the accident and he was very upbeat and looking forward to getting home, as we were unaware then of the condition of the heart. He was then hit with pneumonia and from there he was back and forth in hospital until he went in on the 15th May when he needed more antibiotics and treatment for his water retention. Unfortunately this was the start of the real deterioration in his health, which took a massive change in Monday 22nd before he passed in his sleep at 1930 on the 24th. He was so doped up on morphine and relaxants the last 48 hours he wasn't with us at all, but knew we were with him, my brother Neil was at his bedside when he went.

He absolutely loved his Aunt Sally and was proud to be part of the set up of the Carterton league, as we both were. He has so many friends that he made over the years, we believe he had be playing for nearly 20 years or there abouts".

"The funeral is at 2pm at South Oxfordshire Crematorium on Tuesday 27th June, then back to Brownes Hall Carterton for a celebration of his life. Family flowers only but any donations are for Thames Valley Air Ambulance, as they attended the car accident and gave emergency treatment to dad. Dad always wanted bright colours so colourful shirts/ ties are welcome but not hawaiian style please".

Scores - deadlines
Polite reminder that Home captains are expected to enter match scores no later than the Sunday following the game. (Rule 3.10)
If the result hasn't gone in, the Away captain is encouraged to enter it. Keep a photo of the scoreboard in case of disputes.
Early sixes
Congratulations to Richard Oakley (Windrush Cockerels) and Neil Robey (Carterton Social) for the first sixes of the season.
Competition entry
The site is now open for entry to competitions for the next four weeks. You get only one go at it, so add ALL entrants.
Please ensure that your entrants are available for all heats AND Finals Night. Dates are listed on the 'Competitions' home page.
Access to the entry form is via the Captain's log-in.
NEW Feature for 2023...
From this year, you'll be able to edit any errors made when entering scorecards. To find out how, see the updated 'Guide to Self Scoring' in 'Documents' page.
Stuff for the 2023 Season...

All the required information for the start of the season has now been published and is available as PDF files on the 'Documents Downloads' page.
Key Dates
Fixtures List
League Structure
Friendlies List
8 A Side Draw


League & Byes
There are 53 teams registered for this season, so we have created six sections.
The document 'League Structure' gives info about how this year's league was put together and who plays where.
Sections A - E each contain a bye and section F contains two.
This number of byes gives the opportunity to play some friendlies, so we've created a matrix of available partners for each week of the season, including the first 8 A Side heat.
(See 'Friendlies List')
Six of the seven teams with league byes can play friendlies each week, so the arranging is up to you, but we'd encourage you to support section F because they have two byes.

Food Provision Agreement
Sections A, B, D and E contain teams signed up to the 'Food Agreement'.
Participating teams are highlighted on the 'Fixtures List' so will visiting captains please ensure that they ring/text the home captain 24 hours prior to the game to confirm their attendance, otherwise food will NOT be provided.
Between May 1st and June 1st it will be possible to register for all other competitions. Captain's log-in required.
No scores will be awarded until fees are paid.
Coming shortly...
Info about a new feature that allows YOU to edit mistakes made when entering scores.
Fees now due
This year's fees remain unchanged - £50 per team with a £5 discount if paid before the AGM on April 14th.
Because of the recent introduction of transaction charges to our previously free 'community' bank account, we ask you to please pay directly into our account.
Bank Account details are displayed on the 'Contact Us' page.
Some sad news to share with you....
It's with great sadnes, that we were informed today of the passing of Margaret Watts, just days before her 81st birthday.
Margaret's late husband Bob was one of the co-founders of the Bampton Aunt Sally League back in the 70s.
She died peacefully in her sleep this afternoon, surrounded by her family, to whom we send our deepest sympathy and condolences.
Margaret's funeral will be held in St Britius Church, Brize Norton on Wednesday April 12th at 2pm.
There will be a wake at West Witney Sports and Social club afterwards.
Margaret's final 'official' duty was to present the trophies for the Carterton Indoor League in April 2022
25th Feb
The Pre-AGM newletter and this season's Key Dates have now been uploaded - also available on the 'Document Download' page.
Provision of food - please read this before registering your team
1st Feb
In view of several complaints from last season about food wastage due to late cancellations or no shows, we are introducing a measure to try to prevent
For full details, please read this bulletin (Also available from the 'Documents Downloads' page.
The 'Guide to Team Registration' document has been updated to include this.
Since this creates extra work for captains, please have serious talks with your venue first and ONLY enrol in the scheme if you have been significantly
inconvenienced in the last 12 months.
Feature Articles
This page carries items of general interest and is free to use by the membership to promote events
Bernie Huckin Memorial Aunt Sally Tournament - 28th August
23rd Aug
From John Smyth Ducklington Sports Club:-
"As some of you may know the Dhpa Annual Flower Show takes place on Bank Holiday Monday 28th August at Ducklington Sports Club.
For the last two years we have organised the Bernie Huckin Memorial Aunt Sally Tournament. which was great fun and was run as a pairs competition and won by Steve Whipp and Tony Grant in the first year and as a singles competition last year and was won by local favourite Paul Gill.
This year we will be running the tournament again. It will be a singles competition this year and there will be a twist.
In order to get a few more players to take part, we will give all non Aunt Sally players a 1 doll handicap per leg.

The competition will start at 2:00 and you can register from 1:00. We would expect to be finished by around 4:00.
There will be a lovely trophy for the winners and of course the prestige".

Liz Huckin presenting the winners trophy to Paul Gill (2022)
Charlbury Beer Festival / 'World Aunt Sally Championship'
3rd May
This year's event will be held on Saturday June 24th at Charlbury Cricket Club. For all details, click this link.
Rob Booth Challenge Trophy - update
8th May
On Sunday May 7th, the Griffin hosted the inaugural Aunt Sally Challenge Trophy event in memory of the late Rob Booth.
The weather was uncharacteristically kind and the event was well supported with a total of £530 raised for local Carterton charity APCAM.
Two separate competitions were held :-
'Novice Singles Competition'
Jack Booth receives his winner's trophy from Emma Booth
'Professional Singles Competition'
The first winner of the prestigious shield was Daniel Reading - last season's highest scorer for the Sporty Rejects team
Daniel receiving the brand new trophy and keepsake from Emma
The organisers would like to thank all who attended and contributed to a very successful first outing of what will hopefully become an annual event.
Particular acknowledgements to :-
Griffin landord - Jonathan Faherty
Sponsor and main match caller - Stuart O'Brien
Organiser, MC and a resident team captain - Russell Good
Presenter - Emma Booth
in memoriam - Rob Booth