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Morris Midgets
03 10 17 24 31 07 14 21 28 12 19 26 02 09 16 23 30 06
Doll / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
Dolls Sixes Avg Max   05 05 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 08 09
1Steve Smith151016.798 885568594 668 87
2Tom Valentine15835.593 245735765 666 99
3Richard Biles12746.286 6883448 87 84
4Tom Poole12665.596 84392527 69 5
5Colin Weston12635.3114 5667621144 4 4
6Paul Sheppard7273.988 11462 5
7Fred Smith7142.04 403 013 3
8Colin Jordan3134.36 3 6 4
9Callum J382.73 3 2 3
10Mark Hobbs231.52 12
11Jack Bunyan133.03 3
  Dolls35303122 3331027362925302138 3631
  Legs3031 0100111203 13
 Played :16
 Leg Total :20
 Doll Total :455
 Doll Average :28.4
09/06 - cancelled against West Witney Wangers - no team - to be played 15/09
23/06 - cancelled against Rose & Crown - no replay - match awarded to Rose & Crown (3 + average dolls)
30/06 - BYE
18/08 - game against West Witney Wangers to be played 22/09
08/09 - BYE