News & Comment (Always refresh the page to see the latest version)
New Trophy keepsakes
22nd October
As you know, since dinosaurs walked the earth, the Bampton League has awarded trophy keepsakes based on this metal casting design
The company producing them was based in Spain, but has now gone out of business owing to the spiralling cost of metal.
They have passed on some of their business to a similar company based in India, but on closer scrutiny, costs have virtually doubled and lead times
are in the order of six months.
Consequently we have researched and sourced an alternative, which will be released for the first time at the 2022 Finals.
The design is a mirrored glass plate in 'Bampton Green', mounted on a plinth. It has a central raised button containing our logo.
At the bottom is the engraved label
Unplayed matches on 8th September
9th Sept
We know that some matches were not played last night at the request of venue management and so propose the following:-
Rule 3.11 which states that all games must be completed by 15/09 is temporarily suspended and we've extended the season until our next Committee
meeting on 27/09 to allow completion of fixtures. Any still outstanding at that date will be adjudicated. This also applies to scores not entered.
Everything comes to he who waits...(and throws)
26th Aug
After many years of playing Aunt Sally for numerous teams and pubs, Claude Gianni of the Troutlets ('Dat's my boy') finally achieved his first well deserved 6
and the first in Section D this season. Well done Claude.
What impressed me was the enthusiastic cheering of the Elm Tree players, witnessing a six for the first time. That's the spirit of the game - well done lads.
Entering Scores
20th Aug
In response to a couple of recent verbal mutterings about late scores:-
Whilst the default is for the home captain to enter scores before the Sunday following the match, there are instances where it's not happening.
As we get closer to the end of the season, it becomes more important to be able to see your team's position in the league tables.
If the score still hasn't been uploaded by the Monday following the match, then it is perfectly OK for the 'away' captain to enter the scores.
Obituary - Eddie Edwards
14th Jul
It is with the deepest sadness that we have to report the passing of Eddie Edwards.
Eddie played in many great teams over the years, starting off in the Oxford League before moving to West Oxfordshire where he played firstly
in the Wychwood League, where his team reigned supreme for many years before moving to play in the Bampton League.
Eddie's last full season for the Bampton League was in 2019 when he scored 151 dolls.
He was well known, and respected by all who knew him and although he may have been a top player was always extremely humble with it
and keen to offer advice to help others improve.

In short Eddie was a true gentleman and he we will be greatly missed by all that knew him in the numerous leagues that he played in.

Eddie's funeral will take place at 10.00 am on Thursday the 21st of July followed by drinks at The Windrush Pub, Burford Road, Witney.
Awarded games
22nd Jun
Taverners and Silverbacks have been awarded 3 legs + average dolls for their unplayed games against Rowing Machine and Dolly Spartan respectively.
Average dolls will be added at week 9
Competition entry
14th May
Competition entry is now open - accessible via the captain's menu. We'll let it run until June 20th.
Because we only managed a partial season last year, the criteria for entry to the Sub 5s is limiting, so we have decided not to run it for this year.
It will be held as normal next year, using this year's data as entry criteria.
Apart from the Sub 5s, make sure you enrol all your entrants in one go. Any problems - just shout.
First Sixes of the season
13th May
Two on the second night of the season! - well done chaps - one from the top section and one from the bottom.
Max Everett - Bell B - Premier
Mick Stickley - Touchliners - Section E
Charlbury 'World Aunt Sally Championship'
10th May
Come on - we've taken the Interleague - someone mosey down to Charlbury and lift this one with accompanying prize of £100,
Link to web site to register
First night scoring glitches
5th May
One or two odd scoring anomalies have occurred -I'm leaving them up while we analyse the problem. Bear with us.
Section B - team withdrawal
24th April
Regrettably, have just been informed of the withdrawal of 'Windy's' in Section B, owing to lack of players.
A 'BYE' has been inserted, but if you know of any dispossessed players who might still form a team, get in touch.
Inter-League Oh Inter-League
11th April
Report by our Inter-League Team Manager Dave Tillyer
"The Bampton Aunt Sally Association Inter League team once again travelled to General Foods Sports and Social club on Thursday March the 31st to play in the
Inter League shield competition.
The annual 8 a side competition, sees 8 Aunt Sally leagues battle it out on 4 indoor pitches, all at the slightly longer Banbury League length (we measure 30 foot from the iron,
they measure 30 foot from the front of the swivel)
This years entrants were Banbury Summer, Banbury Winter, Bampton, Bicester, Chipping Norton, Kidlington, Oxford and the Yarnton indoor league.
The competition which has been running since 1980 was first organised by Bampton league co founder Bob Watts along with his wife Margaret at the old Witney Town Football Club.
Bampton have never won the event. In 2018 they were victorious in the plate competition, and over the years they have lost twice in the final -
on both occasions to Oxford who are the current holders and have won it a staggering 21 times.
This years team consisted of Ady Pitts, Paul Gill , Max Everett, Martyn Seacole, Tony Grant, Jeff Glenister, Dave Lee and Neil Lyon.
First up were Banbury Winter. Bampton set but could only muster 15, which Banbury passed with ease. The next leg went to Bampton who despite a slow start ,
managed to score 18 dolls off the last 4 players with Neil Lyon playing at anchor hitting a six. Banbury came up short which took the game to the third and deciding leg.
Banbury set and again Bampton where up against it with another slow start - the last two players needed 10 dolls between them. Dave Lee scored 4 which left
Neil Lyon needing to hit another six to win the game.
What happened next will live long in the memory of all that where lucky enough to see it, with not a hint of nerves, Neil did the unthinkable and and hit yet another six,
to win and send Bampton through to the next round.
The semi final saw Bampton drawn against the Banbury Summer League. Banbury put a score of 20 on the board and Bampton responded well including a six from Ady Pitts, with
anchor man Neil Lyon needing just one doll to take the leg, scored 5 to give a total of 25.
In the second leg Banbury hit 24, which despite having scored 13 with the fiirst 4 players, the Bampton tailenders could not finish Banbury off and agiain it went to the decisive third leg.
Bampton set in the third and final leg and posted a score of 22 which the Bampton team where convinced was not enough. Banbury however responded slowly and with
a couple of the Banbury boys only scoring 1 by the time the Banbury anchor never even got to throw a stick. 2-1 Bampton.
Bampton were now into the final and their opponents would be the current holders Oxford.
Oxford set and lead off man Kevin Giles could only muster 1 doll as he got the Oxford scoring underway the final tally was 20 dolls and in reponse an early 5 from
Martyn Seacole and 4's from Tony Grant and Jeff Glenister led to a total of 25 dolls 1-0 Bampton.!
The second leg saw Bampton set and they where steady all the way through, but a 4 and 5 from Dave Lee and Neil Lyon playing at No7 and anchor posted a score of 24.
As Oxford started to try and chase the score down another slow start meant the pressure was on and by the time the Oxford anchor came to throw he needed 5 to draw 6 for the win.
A couple of stray sticks later the anchor man was walking to pick up his sticks, it was all over after 35 years of trying Bampton had finally won the Inter league Shield
and had finally beaten the Oxford Aunt Sally League for the first time, what a night. !
Our victorious team: Tony Grant; Dave Lee, Neil Lyon behind Max Everett, Paul Gill, Jeff Glenister, Martyn Seacole and a photoshopped Ady Pitts
Overall it was a great team performance and everyone chipped in throughout the night. Our thanks go to all of the players for such a great achiement .
Thanks also to the travelling support including President Fred Cook,Bez and Stevie Cleaver who finally got to see a Bampton team come away victorious and also to
Greg Gilbert of Charlbury Travel who drove us there but was also kind enough to wait long enough to wait long after we were due to travel back so that we could finish
playing in the final and collect the trophy.
Finally, thanks to Pete Dempsey and all of the Banbury lads who organise the event every year and do a sterling job".
7th April
The AGM will be held tomorrow (8th April) at Bampton Village Hall. Doors open at 7:30 for an 8:00pm start.
Brian Collins will be present if you wish to buy sticks or dolls.
REMINDER - 2020 Virtual Competitions.
The prizes won in the Virtual Competitions of 2020 (see list below) will be made available to those turning up to the AGM in person.
Payment will be made via bank transfer.
Final Registrations
29th March
At the time of writing, there are 48 teams registered, with 3 days remaining. To those still intending to join, can we strongly advise you to do it as soon as possible.
We will close applications once we reach 50 teams (or at 12:00pm on Friday).
Subscription Discount
27th March
This year's subscription is £50 per team, but with a £5 discount if paid before the AGM (8th April).
Payment by electronic transfer please to avoid bank charges.
Bank Account Details are now listed on the 'Contact Us' page.
23rd March
As of today there are 38 teams registered, with 10 days remaining. To those still intending to can we strongly advise to do it as soon as possible.
We may opt to close registration at specific numbers in order to minimise byes and it would be unfortunate to have to decline your application.
Season Update
1st March
All you need to know is in the Pre-AGM newsletter which can be viewed by clicking here - and is also copied to the 'Document Downloads' page.
Key Dates are also uploaded.
Preparing for a FULL SEASON....
1st February
We've been busy bringing the web site code up to date and adding a new feature that we're sure you'll appreciate - more later.
We're in the process of returning the site to an 18 week status, so ignore ant oddities over the next few weeks.
We will be opening up for team registration on February 1st, with our first Committee meeting set for February 22nd.
We anticipate that venues could well be the issue for the coming year, so start talks with yours as soon as possible to secure your place.
Periodically check the 'Last Updated' date on the home page to ensure that you've seen the latest info.