2020 - 59 teams registered
Fed up of watching re-runs of 'Hancock's Half Hour' and 'No Minister' ?
We can't give you real Aunt Sally during the lockdown, but in an attempt to be creative, we are going to run a VIRTUAL LEAGUE.
We've now got 60 teams registered and have a created a league of 6 sections, loosely based on last year's finishing positions with the traditional
promotions and relegations.
So, let's play safe Aunt Sally!
How will it work?
A fixtures list has been created (see League->Fixtures List) for an 18 week season, starting as usual on the first Thursday in May (7th).
Note that in the case of multiple teams, no attempt has been made to avoid 'home game conflicts', because this is virtual.
In the early hours of each Friday morning, HAL9000 (Google it if you don't know!) will work his magic and randomly score each of the 30 games.
Each game will be RANDOMLY ascribed a winner and loser with leg scores and doll scores (based on ranges from last season's sections)
- thus at the end of the season there will be a clear section winner.
The 'Team Status' page on the web site will update at the same time and display the current section results, so that you can follow it.
Each section winning team will be presented with £60 (real!) to distribute amongst its players.
Can I get involved?
Not physically, obviously, but for the duration of the Virtual League, we're going to run an on-line Forum, so you can add your comments to the
on-going proceedings. It will be moderated, so please keep it clean and reasonably polite.
Looking at the 'Virtual Key Dates' list will show that we've incorporated all of the usual competition heats on Sunday nights.
The eventual winners of each competition will be allowed to keep the approriate trophy for a year and will be rewarded with a shiny £10 note.
Captains will need to do a bit of work here - Competition Registration will be open between May 7th and June 7th - and you'll need to register
your entrants in the usual way.
On the night, you'll be able to log onto the heats page and watch HAL will draw the first round. Shortly afterwards, the page will refresh with the first
round results. Subsequently round two is drawn and so on until we're down to finalists.
Once lockup is lifted, we're intending to hold a (real) Finals Night to play off these competitions and to award trophies and cash. (TBC)
Next Steps
We've already emailed all captains, which is probably why you're reading this right now.
We're prepping the web site for a kick-off on Thursday May 7th, so start checking the web site around then.