News & Comment
Obituary - Pete Hitchman
21st December
Sadly, we were informed this morning of the passing of Pete Hitchman, following a protracted illness.
Pete was a prolific senior player in the top sections for many years, amassing numerous section and competition trophies.
(Picture taken 2010)
We extend our sympathy and condolences to Pete's family and friends at this sad time.
UPDATE: Pete's funeral will be held at Leafield Church at 2:00pm on Friday January 11th following on at the Village Hall.
Uncollected Trophies & Medals
2nd December
For those who didn't collect their trophies or medals on Finals night, they have now been returned for re-use next year.
22nd October
Rarely are we able to report this one, but we're pleased to tell you that one of our stalwart players, Mark Rollins of Athletico Talbot, won the Oxford League Mens Singles title
in a thrilling 4-3, 4-5, 3-3 match with a clinching 1 sticker in the final leg. Well done Mark !
(Photo stolen - and enhanced ) from the Oxford league web site - so sue me!
... and Celebrations
22nd October
Another of our stalwarts is Joe Smith of the Griffins.We were pleased to invite Joe along to Finals Night as guest presenter of the trophies, because we were able to celebrate the fact
that his 90th birthday is coming up shortly. Next season, this will make him our only playing nonagenarian (Google it!).
As ambassadors of Aunt Sally as a sport for all ages, Joe and Ady Pitts accompanied me to meet HRH Prince Charles in 2007 when he visited Wychwood Brewery - our sponsors that year.
.Here's a repeat view of Joe throwing that day
This Finals Night, we celebrated Joe's achievement by presenting him on your behalf with an engraved decanter (and, naturally, something to put in it).
Joe receiving his commemorative decanter from President Fred Cook
No Fred that's not yours!
Nice one Joe
Changes to pre-season timetable for 2019
8th October
Advance notice of a change to the run-up to the start of the 2019 season.
In 2018, as in previous years, the season started like this:-
After our first Committee meeting in February, on-line registration opens and runs until our third meeting - immediately after the AGM - at which we set the sections and publish
the League Fixtures (including the 8 A Side first round draw).
What we're intending to do next year is this:-
The essential difference is that the AGM is delayed a week by which time we will have set the sections and can therefore announce and publish the League Fixtures.
The 8 A Side competition first round will be drawn 'live' at the AGM using audience participation.
There is still the same length of time for team registration and almost a fortnight between publication and the opening of the season.
These changes mean one less Committee meeting (hurrah!) and hopefully a more interesting AGM.
Zazen - wot ??
30th August
A suggestion from Ducklington will be put to the AGM next year as a potential punishment for late match cancellations.
Captains will sit in the 'zazen' position while opponents attempt to remove the doll.
What are they selling in the Bell these days - and can we all have some?
Return Trophies
26th August
Would last year's Competition and Section Winners please return their trophies for engraving. Take them to either Morris Clown or preferrably to Witney Trophy Centre (Corn Street)
Please confirm when you've returned them - and it would be nice if they came back as shiny as when they were presented to you. Thank you.
I'll have some of what he's on.....
17th August 2018
Grayson Fisher - 22 dolls from 27 throws - Carterton Social - 16th August against Bell B
Sub 5s Competition heats
13th August 2018
This competition was introduced as an experiment to replace the Landlord's Cup which was suffering from rapidly declining attendances.
The intent was to incentivise lower scoring players to enter a competition that they would not have otherwise considered, so the criteria was a previous year's average of < 5 and
participation of at least 6 games.
It's ironic to note that with improving scores, several of last night's competitors won't be eligible to enter next year - or maybe even to defend the title!
Last night's heats at the Romany and Talbot were played off with great enthusiasm and a good amount of friendly banter. Good to see plenty of team support.
Congratulations to Geoff Butcher (Trout - Section D) and Graeme Woodward (Here For The Beer - Section G) as worthy finalists.
Thanks also to all those who entered a competition for the first time - an indicator that this one will run and run.
Finally a brickbat to those who entered, but didn't turn up on the night without the courtesy of an apology!
Section G Teams - Carpenters Specials
10th July 2018
Regret to have to inform you that the Carpenters Specials have opted to stand down, not being able to reliably field a team each week and not wishing to mess anyone around.
Captain and landlord Mark is recovering from a road accident and we wish him a speedy recovery and hope to see them back next year.
Since they got to the half-way point of the season, we probably won't adjust any scores.
Adjudicated Games
10th July 2018
At last night's Committee meting the following unplayed games were adjudicated:-
True Tavernites v Carpenters Specials - 7th June - Carpenters cancelled & no follow up or response - Tavernites awarded 3 + average dolls.
Woodies v Lamb & Flag B - 14th June - Woodies - no contact & no response. Lamb & Flag awarded 3 + average dolls.
8 A Side Round Three - Thursday September 13th
10th July 2018
The 3rd round of the 8s will be drawn at the next Committee meeting on August 7th and published the following day.
10th July 2018
Apparently, something could happen on Sunday, the aftermath of which might cause mayhem with our Pairs heats.
I shall be writing to FIFA about their lack of consultation and to Gareth Southgate for reneging on our agreement!
Anyway, in the meantime, Sunday's Pairs heats are postponed and will take place on Sunday August 5th, subject to venue confirmation. (Same venues)
We're currently communicating with everyone involved, but if you see any Pairs entrants between now and Sunday, please pass this on.
Singles heats - results
1st July2018
Results are now posted in the 'Competitions' section. Congratulations to semi-finalists - Martyn Seaclole; Gareth Clack; Dave Hunt and Ryan Hewer. Good to see new names in the frame.
Semi-finals will be held at the Morris Clown on Sunday September 9th.
Disappointing though to have 18 cancellations and 6 'no shows'.
Section D teams - Beehive Drifters
27th June 2018
Regrettably, have to inform you that the Beehive Drifters have stood down from the league, being unable to guarantee completing their fixtures and not wanting to mess other teams around.
A bye will be inserted after Tuesday's Committee meeting and scores for the 5 games that they played will be nulled. A modified Fixtures list will be released.
England's World Cup game next Thursday - do we play our fixture?
21st June 2018
We're getting quite a few queries on this. We knowingly scheduled a fixture for next week, but it's entirely at your discretion. If you think there's any risk whatsoever, or that the game
couldn't be conducted fairly, then please re-arrange it (within 14 days please). Make sure you let the opposing captain and us know asap.
Games needing to be re-arranged
12th June 2018
The weather on May 31st led to the cancellation of many games. However 16 of these have yet to be re-arranged. REMINDER - the deadline is this Thursday - June 14th.
In three instances, we've not even been informed that the games didn't take place!
NEXT YEAR - New approach to the AGM
7th June 2018
In order to encourage greater attendance at the AGM and simplify the management process, we are proposing to trial the following for 2019:-
The League Sections will be set and published at the AGM. The 8 A Side draw will take place LIVE at the AGM with audience participation.
In order to achieve this, some dates will need to be tweaked, but your registration period will remain the same.
Put Friday April 12th in your diaries for next year's AGM.
Competition Entries re-opened
7th June 2018
To encourage additional entries, the 'Mixed Pairs' and 'Ladies Singles' remain open until July 1st. You won't be able to enter anything via the web form, so email or telephone them to me.
REMINDER : All competitors must be registered players.
The 'Sub 5s' competition entry is also still open until the same date.
Re-arranging games - REMINDER
7th June 2018
Given the large number of replays required after last Thursdays rain, be aware of the following:-
1. You have 14 days to agree and feed back a replay date. ie 14th June.
2. A rule change was passed at this year's AGM requiring ALL games (including re-arranged ones) to be completed by the last league match date (6th September).
Please bear these in mind when re-arranging a cancelled game.
8 A Side Round Two Draw
7th June 2018
The second round draw is published in the 'Competitions' section and a printable version in 'Documents Download'.
Section B teams - Fox Barrington
18th May 2018
Regrettably, Fox Barrington have informed us that they unable to raise sufficient players to commit to the current season and have therefore asked to stand down.
Unfortunately this will result in a BYE in section B.
We thank them for their past commitment and hospitality and hope that, in the future, a new team may rise from the ashes.
No games having been played, no score corrections are necessary.The appropriate tweaks have been made and a new Fixtures list (v3) is available for download if required.
Section E teams - Access to Carterton Football Club
13th May 2018
Anyone due to visit Carterton FC needs to be aware of a permanent road closure and consequent detour. Click here for details.
Section F - New team - Woodies
18th Apr 2018
We're pleased to announce that a new team has been registered today in section F - the 'Woodies', from The Woodman North Leigh.
We welcome them to the Bampton League and wish them an enjoyable season.
A new Fixtures list has been uploaded (v2) and is available for download from the 'Documents' page.
Will all Section F teams please update their Fixtures.
Inter-League 2018 - a trophy at last !! - As described by Inter League Manager Dave Tillyer - 12th April 2018

"Thursday the 5th of April once again saw The Bampton Aunt Sally, Inter-League team travel to General Foods Sports and Social Club Banbury.
The format for the uninitiated is as follows, 8 leagues playing on 4 indoor pitches, 8 aside, with the added twist that the pitches are marginally longer in length than we would be used too. The Banbury League rules state that the pitch is measured 30 feet from the front of the swivel - we measure from the iron, and so effectively the team were stood 6 inches further back to have their throw.
The team this year was once again drawn from both Bampton, Summer and Winter leagues, with Ady Pitts and Mark Rollins (Athletico Talbot), David Edwards and Dave Lee (The Griffins) Paul Gill, (The Bell, Ducklington) Stevie Cleaver (Duck Sports and Social) Neil Lyon (3 Pigeons) and Jeff Glenister (Bampton Indoor League)
The Chairman Steve Mace had been press ganged by President Fred Cook onto the no expense spared luxury coach too give his very vocal support, as he travelled, he repeatedly made it clear that he was only coming as they had Guinness on tap. Steve had been on many occasions before and detests the range of beers on offer.
This year the team was stronger than in previous years .The inter-league competition always seems to fall on the same evening as Bampton Indoor League finals night, this year however it didn’t thanks MR LYON for sorting that out: and with a strong side we had high hopes, it was way back in 2011 the last time we reached the final and lost to a star studded Oxford League.
As previously mentioned the side was strong, but it would be an injustice to not briefly mention the way in which they dressed for the occasion - has Bampton ever fielded a more handsome side? I doubt it very much.
If the format where to be changed slightly and each team paraded around the venue for bonus points, before the start, I can say without any hesitation we would win every time.
Mark Rollins sported his trademark tweed cap, looking every inch the country squire, The ever youthful Ady Pitts looked quite the Dandy and can still pull off wearing clothes meant for those so much younger than himself. Our chairman Steve Mace as usual wore shorts, but even he had dressed up was wearing a different pair from the old faithful’s that we are so accustomed to seeing him in.
Dave Lee was without any doubt the star of the show, the self-proclaimed KING OF COOL sported his winkle pickers, which if I were to hazard a guess where hewn from the skin of a Crocodile, trapped in the wild no doubt, (none of that factory farmed rubbish for our David), probably on the endangered list, if not the last of its kind.
All I can say is that if the unfortunate reptile was looking down from his swampy, crocodilian heaven as David approached the Hocking to take his turn, the sacrifice would have all seemed well worth it Gasps of amazement and bewilderment where heard from the Aunt Sally old guard, surely the last time footwear like that graced General foods was when Del Shannon and Gene Pitney were topping the Hit Parade.
First up we faced the Chipping Norton league, with a side featuring no less than two ex singles world champions in Trevor Dyer and Steve McAteer, and the legendary Steve Arthurs playing at Anchor. The coin was duly tossed and with the evening not 10 minutes old The Guinness ran out leaving Beer Snob, Steve Mace the choice of Mitchell and Butlers Brew 11 or Webster’s Yorkshire bitter for the next 4 hours, much to the amusement of the team, with the exception of Mark Hitman Rollins who was also far from amused.
Chippy won the Toss and opted to set and put 21 on the board, Bampton started steadily, but with the last 3 to go we still needed 12 to draw, Dave lee hit 4 Neil Lyon 4 leaving the Anchor 5 to win 4 to draw, we fell 1 short, Chippy 1 leg up.
In the second leg Bampton set, and what a set it was, scores of 3,5,4,2,5,4,4,4, put a mighty 31 on the board a record breaking leg for the inter-league team, and the highest on the night from any team. Chippy started well despite needing to hit 4 a man to win, but after 4 players needed 22 dolls out of 24 sticks to win.
The third and deciding leg again saw Chippy set, and post a respectable 27, this time Bampton where on course. A wobble in the tail left Number 7 Neil Lyon and Anchor man Mark Rollins, with a lot to do. Neil throwing his sticks as hard as he does, duly caused the backdrop to collapse with three sticks still to throw, and it had to repaired for the remainder of his throw, seven to win and even Mark would struggle with that. Chippy won 2-1 hitting 70 dolls to Bampton’s 71 dolls, Neil Lyon top scored for Bampton with 4,4,4 and was well supported by Ady Pitts 2,5,3 and Jeff Glenister 2,5,4
Bampton now dropped into the Plate competition the Inter-League shield, and faced the hosts Banbury, Jeff Glenister (The General) hit a great 6 for Bampton in the first leg and Mark Rollins finished the leg in style with a 5 to give Bampton a score of 25, the second leg saw a solid performance to again set 25, Banbury’s Anchor man needing 6 for the win 5 for the draw fell one short with 4 Overall a great all round team performance from Bampton, beating Banbury 2-0 on their own alley.
Into the plate final and facing opponents The Kidlington League, Neil Lyon three times winner of the Oxford singles won the toss and opted to set, two 5’s from Ady Pitts and Mark Rollins saw a score of 25, they were well supported by David Edwards and Neil Lyon who scored 4 apiece.
Now at this point of the proceedings it is probably best to point out that the beer was starting to take its toll on the team, this was proper aunt sally, none of this drinking coke malarkey to try and preserve your average from these boys, we were on our third game and had been at it for the best part of 3 hours, scores were starting to reduce and the wayward sticks where starting to fly.
Kidlington, who to their credit where also a drinking team posted a score of 26, five of their players hitting 4. Bampton started well, Paul Gill leading off he was solid all night, always getting something on the board. Jeff Glenister followed with a 5, and we seemed to be on course until Mr. Lee and his winkle pickers took to the throw. How much he had drunk I can only imagine, he was clearly suffering the effects and his 1 doll left a big ask for Number 7 Neil Lyon and anchor Mark Rollins, Neil hit 5, leaving Mark six to draw, missing with his first stick he walked, 1 leg apiece the plate final would be decided on the third leg.
Kidlington won the toss and opted to set and scored 22. The team rallied and to shouts of “come on boys’ we can do this” off we went. All was going well until Dave Lee approached me and said I would have to get a stand in for him as he could no longer see the doll. After a bit of a pep talk from the team and words of encouragement like” aim for the middle one”, he stepped up to take his turn, gently swaying in his winkle pickers. This was a Death or Glory moment and to our relief somehow he scraped a 3.although I believe he was oblivious as to hitting the doll at all. Six to win with 2 still to throw. Up stepped Neil Lyon, surely one of the few men to have ever hit the perfect 666 (twice) could wrap this up on his own. Aunt Sally as we all know is a funny game and with Neil only hitting 2, all eyes turned to Mark the HITMAN Rollins. 3 to draw 4 to win. Cool as a cucumber he slipped off the first 3, we all watched as sticks 4 and 5 passed the doll with less than an inch clearance. It was all down to the last stick, had Mark, forever the showman deliberately missed 4 and 5 to set himself for a grandstand finish. You could have heard a pin drop as he released his final stick and the venue erupted as it landed straight on the very top of the doll.
It was a great night, as always there where a few contentious calls, even at this level, but that’s Aunt Sally everyone just accepts it and gets on with the game. A cracking night and a great result for The Bampton and District Aunt Sally League. Well done boys. And well done to Oxford who beat Wychwood in the main final 2-0, and thanks to Pete Dempsey and The Banbury League for hosting the event".

League Sections, Fixtures, 8 A Side
11th Apr 2018
Sections were set and Fixtures created at last night's Committee meeting and can be viewed/downloaded from the 'League' or 'Documents' links.
The first round of the 8 A Side heats was drawn and can be viewed/downloaded from the 'Competitions' or 'Documents' links.
We've omitted teams that we know about, but if you've been drawn and you subsequently decide to opt out, please let your opponent know IMMEDIATELY, then us.
AGM News
10th Apr 2018
A successful AGM was held on Friday April 6th with an increased attendance; 22 teams being represented.
Key issues for this year are :-
Cancelled Games:
Unplayed games must be completed by the last league match date (6th September) (Rule change)
New Competition:
A new competition will be trialled this year - called the 'Sub 5 Singles Cup'. This is open to all players whose doll average last year was 5.0 or less and played 6 games or more.
A trophy, 'Winner' and 'Runner-up' medals will be issued subject to adequate response.
The heats will take place on Sunday August 12th. More details when we have a better feel for numbers.
Applications are via email or telephone for this year and the closing date is July 1st. Spread the word and get those entries in.
An additional rule has been created to define the entry criteria.See 'Rules'
To read the 2018 AGM minutes in full, Click Here.
Data Protection changes
16th Mar 2018
On May 25th, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force. This will affect the way that data is held on individuals. For companies and large organisations the
compliance procedures are well documented, but for small 'social clubs' like us, not quite so easy to determine.
However, at this stage, we're taking some proactive steps.
The web site has been upgraded to a protection system similar to those you'd see when say making a purchase on-line. The page address now begins 'https://' rather than 'http://
The extra 's' and the green padlock are symbols of added security.
The only personal data we collect is :-
  • Player names - in order to be able to display team and individual scores.
  • Team captain's name, tel and email for communication purposes.
Historically we've asked permission to publish the latter so that you can contact each other. (Attempting contact via the venue/pub is rarely effective).
Now we're going to ask permission do that at each annual team registration.
The registration form will be modified shortly and any team who has already registered will receive an email requesting permission to display their details (which is currently suppressed).
Next year, all permissions will be gathered via the registration form.
It may ultimately prove necessary to have a password protected page for team captain contacts.
Our Data Policy document can be accessed via the 'Downloads' page.
Pre AGM News + FEES!
24th Feb 2018
The web site is open for registration until 9th April, but be aware that we may cap numbers to avoid excessive byes, so register early.
This year's AGM will be slightly later than usual - Friday April 6th - owing to extensive refurbishment of Bampton Village Hall.
Fees this year remain at £45 per team, with a £5 discount if payed before the AGM.
Due to declining support, the Landlords Cup is being mothballed this year and a NEW COMPETITION will be unveiled at the AGM.
Further information is available in the Pre-AGM newsletter which can be downloaded from the 'Documents' page .
Also uploaded are this years 'Key Dates'. Competition start times have been added for your covenience.