News (Always refresh the page to ensure the latest version)
Match adjudications
14th Sept
At last night's Committee meeting, the following matches were adjudicated:-
Premier -Athletico awarded 3 + average against Carterton who failed to turn up to a re-arranged game
Premier - Carterton awarded 3 + average against Snooker Eagles who failed to re-arrange a game within the 14 day period.
Section C - Beehive Drifters awarded 3 + average against Beehive who failed to re-arrange a game within 14 days.
The following games were nulled because scores have not been entered and teams have not responded to email requests:-
Section G - Lamb & Flag C against Foxy Ladies, New Inn Originals and Sherborne Social Club
On-Line Scoring - UPDATE
1st Sept
As you'll be aware, it appears to be back to normal.The culprit was actually Google removing a script that our coding referred to. Live and learn.
Credit goes to developer Andy Webb for sorting this out so promptly. I think we can afford to buy him a beer!
On-Line Scoring
1st Sept
A fault has developed in the on-line scoring system over the weekend. Since we've made no changes, the problem would appear to lie with the hosting server, but we're having
difficulty convincing them. Until we do, the system WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY SCORECARDS, so please keep a hard copy/photos until I can report it fixed.
Apologies, but this is totally outside our control - at least it's near the end of the season.
Match adjudication
5th Jul
At last night's Committee meeting, the following match was adjudicated, having exceeded the 14 day re-arrangement period :-
Section E - Trout v Nomads- former awarded 3 legs + average dolls.
Section G - Swan Radcot A resign
29th Jun
Yesterday, Swan Radcot A stepped down from Section G of the league, being unable to reliably field a team each week. Scores will be adjusted shortly.
Team captains in section G have been informed and a new fixture list is available for download/printing.
Simon says Six
23rd Jun
Well done Simon Chatterton of the Clowns for a modest six at last week's game against White Hart ML B.
Section D - Nortoners resign
23rd Jun
Yesterday, the Nortoners stepped down, being unable to reliably field a team each week. Scores will be adjusted at the weekend. Team captains in section D have been informed.
A new fixture list will be issued next week, pending another possible change elsewhere.
Cancelled games to date...
22nd Jun
So far, 17 games have been cancelled this season. Fine. However, 10 of those 17 were last Thursday when England were playing Wales DURING THE AFTERNOON ??
Interesting distribution across the sections too.
See also my observation on June 10th (below).
Men's Pairs Venue listings - ERROR
19th Jun
There were errors in the listing published on the 17th. This has now been corrected, so, if you're an entrant, check again to confirm your venue.
Competition start times : Men's Pairs , Mixed Pairs, Ladies
17th Jun
Following your request from last year, the start times have been brought forward as follows:
Men's Pairs - 7:00pm
Mixed Pairs - 6:00pm
Ladies Singles - 6:00pm
Match scores
8th Jun
Some of you are very keen to see the scores go in quickly and are contacting me to complain if the home team is slow in uploading them.
If the score hasn't been entered by Sunday evening, the away team can enter it themselves.
Competition Venues - Men's Singles & Pairs
8th Jun
Venue lists will be published later this week.
Match adjudications
8th Jun
See 'League->Cancelled Games' for last night's adjudications.
More sixes this week ...
4th Jun
Well done Danny Smith (Romany) and Simon Wilson (West Witney SSC).
Competition Entries - reminder
25th April
Competition entries have been open since 8th April and will close at mid-day on June 6th.
More sixes..
23rd May
Well done Roly Finch (Duck Sports) and Ray Sturdy (Carpenters Cuckoos) who both scored sixes in the third legs of their respective matches last Thursday.
And following a late result, well done Stuart Rainbow and David Edwards of the Griffins in their match against Swan Rejects.
8 A Side Squad Registration - NEW
15th May
Since 2015, the rules have required that an 8 A Side squad be registered before the second round heat (July 7th). Until now, there has been no way to do this apart from email, since
the section within the 'Competition Registration' page is faulty - and I can't fix it!. I have however written a new page just to register the 8s.
There is now a new link (highlighted in yellow) within the 'Competition ' menu. Would those teams remaining in the competition please add their squads (up to 10 players).
Once registered, the player list can be viewed via 'Competitions'->'Display Entrants'.
Section E teams - visiting the Riverside Lechlade - UPDATE
11th May
Well, surprise, surprise - they've come to their senses. The procedure has changed as follows:-
On arrival, obtain a ticket from the machine in the normal way (input your vehicle registration). On leaving, present the ticket at the bar for a refund - SIMPLES!
First match - first six
8th May
A six on the first night - well done Colin Weston (Snooker Eagles - A) and sorry Stewart Cable (Wombles - E), despite the Swan's best effort, you didn't get a six. Ask for your money back.
Name change - Section A
25th April
Sporty Rejects have asked to change their name to 'Swan Rejects', to prevent confusion following their change of venue from Jolly Sportsman Eynsham to Swan Eynsham.
Venue change - affecting Sections E and G
24th April
The Five Alls team has re-located to the Swan Radcot as the 'B' team. To accommodate this, a new Fixtures list has had to be created. Please update and use only V 3.0
New team added to Section D - affecting Sections C,D and E
18th April
A new team has been added to Section D today - Carpenters Dogs, consisting of players from last year's New Inn Dogs and Clanfield FC.
To accommodate this, a few shuffles have been necessary, affecting fixtures in Sections C,D and E.
A new Fixtures List is uploaded (v 2.0). Please ensure that you have the latest version.
Competition Entry
8th April
Competition entry is now open until June 6th. (That's TWO MONTHS).
Section E teams - visiting the Riverside Lechlade
7th April
At some point in the season, you'll be visiting the Riverside pub to play the Pheasant Pluckers. The owners (Arkells) have leased the car park to a traffic management company
who are enforcing Pay and Display with CCTV and number plate recognition. Even pub patrons have to pay(!).
The good news is that a 'Thursday Aunt Sally Amnesty' has been negotiated.
All visiting Aunt Sally drivers must give their registrations over the bar immediately on arrival, which then go on a 'white list' absolving them from prosecution.
(I say immediately, because there is a 15minute period of grace for loading/unloading).
A copy of this info will also be emailed to all of the Section E team captains.
Locked and Loaded - Ready to Roll
7th April
All configuration should now be in place and all relevant documents uploaded. If you spot anything I've missed - shout.
New FAQ added
7th April
As a reminder, you can access and print a customised 'Fixtures List' showing just your 'Home/Away' listings. How to do this has just been added to the FAQ page.
BYES - League and 8 A Side
7th April
With 65 teams registered, five byes have been inserted into sections D-G. Four of them have been allocated to position 8, (section G has an additional one in position 3).
This means that on any given Thursday, there are also 3 other teams with a bye, thus enabling friendlies. For example on the first league date, Nortoners in Section D have a bye.
They could opt to play Kitcheners, or Volly B. In the second week, Cross Keys have a bye and could play Chequers, Fox Leafield or New Inn Originals.
If you intend to take up the option - book now to avoid disappointment.
With byes inserted in the first round of the 8 A Side competition this year, any team not drawn has the opportunity to play a pre-season friendly against any other non-drawn team.
Fixtures List
6th April
The 2016 League Fixtures are published and can be downloaded and printed from the 'Documents Download' link on the home page, and the 'League Fixtures' page .
In the 'League' section of the web site, on the 'League Structure ' page is a detailed explanation of the basis for the setting of sections and 'Who's Who' this year.
8 A Side Competitions - Round 1 draw published
6th April
The first round draw is published and can be accessed via 'Competitions' ->'8 A Side'
A printable version can be downloaded from the 'Documents Download' link on the home page.
As requested by you and agreed by the Committee, byes have been inserted in the first round to bring each competition down to the final 16.
If you know that you'll NOT be competing in the 8s competitions, will you please let us know immediately.
Remember - it's the winning team's responsibility to feed back the result. If we don't have it by the time we make the next round draw, 'you ain't in it'.
AGM 2016 Minutes published
6th April
Key Points:-The minutes of 2016 AGM are available to view. Click here.
20 out of 64 registered teams were represented of which 15 were eligible to vote.
(If you're not happy with decisions being taken on your behalf by a minority, then don't complain - attend next year's event!)
Members voted to support the Committee proposal to increase fees to £35 for 2016 and to £45 for 2017, with a £5 discount for early payment before the 2017 AGM.
There are NO RULE CHANGES for 2016. Current Rules are available to be viewed in the 'League' section, or 'Documents Downloads' page.
You can access a full copy of the minutes from the 'Documents Downloads' page.
Fees for 2016 season
2nd April
The inclusive fee for 2016 will be £35. You can pay as follows:-
* Cash or cheque - to Morris Clown Bampton or post to Treasurer.
* Bank Transfer - email for bank account details
We would appreciate prompt payment without the tiresome task of chasing. No League or Competition scores will be recorded until payment is received.
'Aunt Sally World Championship' at Charlbury Beer Festival
23rd March y
The date for this year's event has just been released - Saturday 25th June. Check the 'Features' page for entry details.
2016 AGM & Newsletter
18th Februaryy
All you need to know is in the pre AGM newsletter which can be read/downloaded/printed from here.