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Crawling Outs
08 15 22 29 05 12 26 03 10 17 24 31 07 14 21 28 04 11
Doll / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
Dolls Sixes Avg Max   05 05 05 05 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 09 09
1Paul Wright6274.575 52537
2Bob Common6162.752 54014
3Charlie Martin4102.544 231
4Andy Webb691.532 11032
5Mark Empson492.344 230
6Nick Malin482.033 113
7Simon Nethercote133.03 3
8Keith Rouse122.02 2
9H Haslam122.02 2
10John Burrows111.01 1
11Martin Clements111.01 1
12Kanga Burrows111.01 1
  Dolls2016147 0130190000000 000
  Legs2211 02000000000 000
 Played :18
 Leg Total :8
 Doll Total :89
 Doll Average :14.8
4th June - failed to turn up against Carpenters B - latter awarded 3 + 29
18th June - cancelled twice against Woodies - latter awarded 3 + 27
2nd July - match against Volunteer B void - no cards received
16th July - match against Five Alls Reprobates void - no cards received
23rd July - failed to turn up against Griffin D, latter awarded 3 + 23
30th July - failed to turn up against against Red Lion, latter awarded 3 + 14
6th August - failed to turn up against Carpenters A - latter awarded 3 + 17
13th August - failed to turn up against Carpenters B - latter awarded 3 + 31
20th August - failed to turn up against Riverside Ducks. Latter awarded 3 + 16
27th August - failed to turn up againstWoodies - latter awarded 3 + 30
3rd September - Crawling Outs cancelled & conceded Faringdon CC awarded 3 + 31.
10th September - Crawling Outs cancelled - Volunteer B awarded 3 + 16